from Greg Bennett.
With assistance from the CFFI list I have managed to run the OpenGL
example files in
cl-glut-examples.lisp, which makes me very relieved. By reading the
example files I can
collect quite a bit of information about syntax but I would clearly be
better off if I had
documentation of a more formal and organised variety.
In the materials on cl-opengl which I downloaded I can find only the
stub of documentation,
for example the .pdf includes a disclaimer and then only chapter headings.
I tried to build things from and managed to create only that
same stub. It seems
I am missing the text files to fill those chapters.
If those are available, I would appreciate a pointer to them. Since I am
relatively new to linux
it is quite likely that I simply don't (yet) know where to find such things.
Thx for any and all advice and assistance.
Cheers /Greg Bennett