I've tested on 3 other machines. 2 with OpenGL 2.1 and 2 with OpenGL 4.3 It seems that OpenGL 2.1 machines can run SBCL executable while OpenGL 4.3 cannot. But on all machines ccl executable cannot run. I don't think glClearColor has changed between OpenGL 2.1 and OpenGL 4.3, from the latest reference: http://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man/xhtml/glClearColor.xml So I'm confused. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!!! - Rujia On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 5:26 PM, Rujia Liu <rujia.liu@gmail.com> wrote:
I'm new to cl-opengl and was reading this tutorial:
I've downloaded tut02.lisp, but have trouble running it.
On my machine, ccl 1.6 (windows XP, 32 bit, OpenGL 1.5) gives:
Error: Couldn't find function glClearColor While executing: CL-OPENGL-BINDINGS::GENERATE-GL-FUNCTION, in process
; Warning: Don't know how to setup a hook before saving cores on this Lisp. ; While executing: #<Anonymous Function #xCE06D0E>, in process listener(1). listener (1).
Type :GO to continue, :POP to abort, :R for a list of available restarts. If continued: Skip loading "tut02.lisp" Type :? for other options.
But SBCL 1.1.4 (win32-thread fork) runs perfectly.
On another machine (windows 7, 64 bit, OpenGL 4.3), both ccl 1.6 and SBCL (both 32-bit) gave the error message before.
Could anyone give me some suggestions? Thanks in advance
- Rujia