On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 4:10 PM, Malcolm Reynolds <malcolm.reynolds@gmail.com> wrote:
You may also want to get rid of the (glut:post-redisplay) in the keyboard method, since that kills my lisp when i try to exit the window
Okay. Is putting #'glut:post-redisplay into my method on #'glut-idle the preferred way (or at least, not a discouraged way) of keeping the model updating?
Yeah, it looks like that is the correct way to do that.
One final difference between my two versions is that resizing the window on the lisp version scales the inside accordingly (squares become squashed) which doesn't happen on the C version. Obviously this is a bit more of an involved question, but the part that will make this happen is in the #'glut:reshape method, correct?
Right, you could either switch it to use glu:perspective and translate the objc code directly, or you could use for example +/- (/ height width) in place of +/- 1 for the bottom/top args to gl:frustum. -- 3b