A week ago or so i was interested in a benchmark done for Perl bindings of OpenGL that was front-paged on OpenGL.org. Take a look at http://www.graphcomp.com/opengl then click Documentation > Benchmarks. Anyway I decided to translate that into CL with some success after adding very basic support for ARB_vertex_programs. And I do mean very basic. I know it's not the latest greatest 2.0 Shaders etc but eye candy is enough for me right now. ;) My RFC is based in getting some of the timer codes to work. I've spent some time tracking it down but once I got visual output I've been wanting to upload. I think the FBO rendering FPS and Teapot rendering FPS stats are correct (as they are quite close to the C runtime's numbers)... the rest... well I'm getting negative numbers for overhead values. Also, you have to manually hit ESC to terminate the test; not like the original C version. I didn't include this benchmark as a patch to the tree just in case there were copyright concerns. make sure you have required cl-opengl glut and glu then run with (ogl-bench:ogl-bench) hope you like, charlie mac