Bart, Thanks. That works. It'll probaly save me frustration for other calls, too. Quoting Bart Botta <00003b@gmail.com>:
(oops, forgot to send to the list, sorry for duplicates)
I can hardly complain for getting help, can I?
On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 4:29 PM, <raito@raito.com> wrote:
(gl:color-mask :false :false :false :false)
cl-opengl uses common lisp "generalized booleans" (where anything except NIL means true) instead of :true or :false most places, so the following should do what you want :
(gl:color-mask nil nil nil nil)
Took me a bit to notice the problem though, so possibly we should support :false as meaning GL_FALSE as well?
Possibly. A cursory check of the net for example code for gl-color-mask seems to show about half the examples using GL_FALSE, and the other half using 0 (geez...). Another cursory check of the docs subdirectory shows... very little. (I was a bit worried that I hadn't RTFA, but FA doesn't seem to have much.) Neil Gilmore raito@raito.com