On 2/13/07, Charlie McMackin <charliemac+cl-opengl@gmail.com> wrote:
However there is no glx-get-process-address function. Bart's approach uses the glut library to get the equivalent (at least on linux). I think it might be nice to have a glx-get-process-address implemented if just to avoid loading cl-glut for those who don't want to load it.
My code is configurable to use any function that can translate from a string to a function pointer, it just uses GLUT in the examples since that's what the examples use. I've used it with lispbuilder-sdl, and it should work directly with the glx,wgl, etc. functions as well if you add a defcfun for them. To use another function, just do (setf cl-opengl-bindings::*gl-get-proc-address* #'foo-get-proc-address) at some point after loading cl-opengl and before you try to use any functions from an extension or from GL version>1.1. -- Bart