Dear list, Long time no hear ;) Today I believe I've run into what might be a bug with cl-glut while trying to SAVE-LISP-AND-DIE on sbcl 1.0.15. Running a core saved with cl-glut and my program resulted in freeglut errors like: freeglut ERROR: Function <glutCreateWindow> called without first calling 'glutInit'. _3b on #lisp (Bart B?) though (glut:init) might need to be called on when the core is loaded. When I tried this I got dumped to ldb immediately with illegal pointer errors. I am unsure of the quality of my fix, but I added the following to my :toplevel function and everything worked. (eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute) (setf glut::*argcp* (cffi:null-pointer) glut::*argv* (cffi:null-pointer)) (glut:init)) Saving the core also saves the pointer values of *argcp* and *argv* at the time of saving. If this is The Right Way, I can try writing it up to be put in init.lisp proper... Charlie Mac