dear cl-opengl people, I'm working on a project to make games on Android and iPhone using Lisp. Thanks to the work of R. Krishnan and S. Ageneau ECL runs on these devices. I'm taking it from there and I'm trying to draw to the screen from Lisp. So far, I've achieved modest results using my own (very small and rudimentary) OpenGL ES 1.1 interface, which uses ECL's low-level FFI facility. But I think that it would be a waste to come up with another OpenGL interface. I'm thinking, why not better use cl-opengl? So, I would like to ask you some questions: - what versions of OpenGL does cl-opengl support? - say I want to contribute to the project and adapt cl-opengl into cl-opengl-es11 (and in the far future cl-opengl-es20), how should I do it? From where can I take it? Is there a similar project I can join? Is anyone interested in joining efforts? Thank you very much in advance for your advice. Sincerely, -- Simón Ortiz B., M.Sc., Ing. en Computación Linux Registered User #388735