If I load cl-opengl, save the Lisp image (e.g., with sb-ext:save-lisp-and-die on SBCL) and then load the image and call (cl-glut:init), then cl-glut:: %glutInit doesn't get called because the variable cl-glut::*glut-initialized- p* is set to T (it retains its value when the image is saved). For me, this manifests in the following error:
freeglut ERROR: Function <glutSolidTeapot> called without first calling 'glutInit'.
If I set cl-glut::*glut-initialized-p* to NIL before saving the image, then cl-glut works after restarting the saved image. I propose to clear the cl-glut::*glut-initialized-p* when the image is saved. The source code change (for SBCL) might look like this: (defun clear-initialized-p () (setf *glut-initialized-p* nil)) #+sbcl (pushnew 'clear-initialized-p sb-ext:*save-hooks*)