13 Feb
13 Feb
2:29 a.m.
On 10/02/2008, Charlie McMackin <charliemac+cl-opengl@gmail.com> wrote:
(defmethod glut:mouse ((w gl-window) button state x y) (declare (ignore x y)) (format t "~&Button value is ~a ~%Pressed value is ~a~%" button state)) (defmethod glut:mouse-wheel ((w gl-window) button pressed x y) (declare (ignore x y)) (format t "~&Button value is ~a ~%Pressed value is ~a~%" button pressed))
I looked at freeglut's source and it seems that whenever the mouse-wheel callback is deactivated, mouse is called instead. And the 'button' argument (and the state/pressed argument as well, IIRC) differs in each case. So if you want to get those new enums, use glut:mouse only, not glut-mouse-wheel. -- Luís Oliveira http://student.dei.uc.pt/~lmoliv/