Right, you probably need to enable a depth buffer, and you probably also want double buffering on modern platforms, both are controlled by the :mode parameter to glut:window instance creation, easiest way to fix that is changing the ":mode '(:single :rgb)" in the (defclass test-window ...) form to ":mode '(:double :rgb :depth)".
If you switch to double buffering (using :double instead of :single there), you will also need to do (glut:swap-buffers) after drawing each frame, probably in place of the (gl:flush) in the glut:display method.
Lovely. This is now working properly, thankyou!
You may also want to get rid of the (glut:post-redisplay) in the keyboard method, since that kills my lisp when i try to exit the window (yay for C libraries that think exit() is a good response to unexpected situations)
Okay. Is putting #'glut:post-redisplay into my method on #'glut-idle the preferred way (or at least, not a discouraged way) of keeping the model updating? One final difference between my two versions is that resizing the window on the lisp version scales the inside accordingly (squares become squashed) which doesn't happen on the C version. Obviously this is a bit more of an involved question, but the part that will make this happen is in the #'glut:reshape method, correct? Many thanks for your quick reply! Malcolm