29 Mar
29 Mar
8 a.m.
On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 6:26 AM, Arianna Pipitone < ariannapipitone77@gmail.com> wrote:
Moreover, I do not solve the problem related to the nil value, error message is *value NIL is not of the expected type CL+J::JAVA-CLASS*. Thank's.
NIL is used in many different contexts and for many different purposes in Lisp. The error message makes me suspect that this is an entirely new issue. I will need more debugging information in order to diagnose this one. A debugger stack backtrace would be very useful. Along with some more detailed informations about your setup, like how was your CCL installed (stand alone or as part of Lispbox), which version of CCL is this (ie: the value returned by (lisp-implementation-version))... Cheers, Jean-Claude