On Tue, 13 Jul 2004 05:57:42 -0700, Jan Rychter jan@rychter.com wrote:
I'm confused. I must be doing something wrong.
I have a string:
CL-USER> *str* "1 2 3
4 "
Just to make sure it's really what it seems:
CL-USER> (loop for c across *str* do (format t "~S " c))
#\1 #\Newline #\2 #\Newline #\3 #\Newline #\Newline #\4 #\Newline NIL
I wanted to match empty lines, so I did:
CL-USER> (cl-ppcre:regex-replace-all (cl-ppcre:create-scanner "^$" :multi-line-mode t) *str* "!") "1 2 3 !! 4 !!"
Now, I would normally expect this:
"1 2 3 ! 4 "
Playing with regex-coach indeed produces the result I'd normally expect. What am I doing wrong? (using CMUCL 19a, the testing version, and CL-PPCRE-0.7.7)
Yes, this looks like a bug. I'll try to fix this ASAP. Thanks for the report.
Cheers, Edi.