-----Original Message-----
From: Gary King [mailto:gwking@metabang.com]
Sent: Tuesday, 08 March, 2005 13:44
To: Edi Weitz
Cc: ML CL-PPCRE; Kick Damien-DKICK1
Subject: Re: TR: [cl-ppcre-devel] New release 1.2.4

I suggest taking a page from GBBopen's book and using something like:

(defmacro with-standard-optimization (&body body)
`(locally (declare (optimize (speed 1) (safety 3) (debug 1)))

(defun foo ()

this has the advantage of not requiring the read time evaluation of #. which some view as a security risk.
Hmmm... if one can write a macro that expands to a LOCALLY form in the same place and for the same reason as would might've done with DECLARE, then what is the point of having disallowed one from writing a macro that expands into a DECLARE http://tinyurl.com/6v4v3  <shrug> I suppose it doesn't matter; it does seem better to be able to write a macro that conditionally expands into different values of optimization settings than use read time evaluation.  I'll try riffing off of this GBBopen approach. 

Damien Kick