Hey Edi, Thanks for the quick response! I tried it with CLISP together with quicklisp and that works fine (didn't know of quicklips before but it is awesome!). However when using AllegroCL, quicklips even causes additional errors:When loading lists.lisp:Error: Package "COMMON-LISP" not found. [file position = 160] [condition type: reader-error] I also tried to install cl-unicode again without all the fasl files that were created by cl-unicode and that didn't work. Or did you really mean all fasl-files used by my AllegroCL implementation? If so, is there an easy way to do that, or do I need to remove them by hand? Regards,Noldus
From: edi@weitz.de Date: Fri, 25 Nov 2011 10:32:28 +0100 To: cl-ppcre-devel@common-lisp.net Subject: Re: [cl-ppcre-devel] Error loading cl-unicode
I don't have AllegroCL at hand and I don't have the time to check, but here are three things you should probably try:
- Can you try to install "from scratch" with ALL existing FASL files,
no matter where they are, deleted?
Can you try with a different Lisp compiler and see if that works for you?
Did you try to install with Quicklisp to make sure that it's not a
problem of libraries not working together?
Please let us know if that helps.
Cheers, Edi.
On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 1:47 PM, Noldus Reijnders n_reijnders@hotmail.com wrote:
Hello everyone!
I'm a student from the netherlands working on a parser (using cl-yacc) and I use dso-lex as the lexer-generator, which depends on cl-ppcre (as you might know). Since I want to parse RIF files that require unicode encoded characters, I wanted to extend cl-ppcre with unicode, using cl-unicode. Unfortunately I receive an error when I try to install cl-unicode. When it tries to compute the Hangul syllable names (this happens when loading hash-tables.fasl) I get the following:
Error: `("Unbound Value")' is not of the expected type `number' [condition type: type-error]
Some extra info:
- I tried to install cl-unicode with, and without installing flexi-streams
and trivial-gray-streams, but both give me the error.
- I use Allegro CL
Could you perhaps help me?
Noldus Reijnders
PS I also get an error when it tries to load util.lisp saying that +t-count+ is unknown. However, I fixed that by replacing that with the number in the assignment of TCount. Same thing for VCount btw. Maybe that has something to do with Allegro CL?
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cl-ppcre-devel site list cl-ppcre-devel@common-lisp.net http://common-lisp.net/mailman/listinfo/cl-ppcre-devel