Hey Gary,
Thank you for the patch! Although I understand that the patch changes the lines stated below; is this something that can be applied automatically?
As was most likely clear, I'm not the most experienced CL coder at the moment, so I was wondering if your text was runnable code for a program or not. Not that it isn't doable by hand but I'd like to learn the tricks of the trade! :)
> From: gwking@metabang.com
> Date: Fri, 25 Nov 2011 11:22:13 -0500
> To: cl-ppcre-devel@common-lisp.net
> CC: support@franz.com
> Subject: Re: [cl-ppcre-devel] Error loading cl-unicode
> Hi Noldus and Edi,
> The following patch gets you most of the way there:
> Common subdirectories: cl-unicode-0.1.2/build and cl-unicode-0.1.2a/build
> Common subdirectories: cl-unicode-0.1.2/doc and cl-unicode-0.1.2a/doc
> Only in cl-unicode-0.1.2a: hash-tables.lisp
> Only in cl-unicode-0.1.2a: lists.lisp
> Only in cl-unicode-0.1.2a: methods.lisp
> Common subdirectories: cl-unicode-0.1.2/test and cl-unicode-0.1.2a/test
> diff cl-unicode-0.1.2/util.lisp cl-unicode-0.1.2a/util.lisp
> 186c186
> < (define-hangul-constant "NCount" (* +v-count+ +t-count+))
> ---
> > (define-hangul-constant "NCount" (* +V-COUNT+ +T-COUNT+))
> 195,198c195,198
> < (let* ((s-index (- code-point +s-base+))
> < (l-value (+ +l-base+ (floor s-index +n-count+)))
> < (v-value (+ +v-base+ (floor (mod s-index +n-count+) +t-count+)))
> < (t-value (+ +t-base+ (mod s-index +t-count+))))
> ---
> > (let* ((s-index (- code-point +S-BASE+))
> > (l-value (+ +L-BASE+ (floor s-index +N-COUNT+)))
> > (v-value (+ +V-BASE+ (floor (mod s-index +N-COUNT+) +T-COUNT+)))
> > (t-value (+ +T-BASE+ (mod s-index +T-COUNT+))))
> 203c203
> < (and (/= t-value +t-base+)
> ---
> > (and (/= t-value +T-BASE+)
> All tests pass except for
> 279:
> (string= (unicode-name 13327) "CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-340F") returned NIL
> but this would work if the test used string-equal rather than string=
> HTH,
> _______________________________________________
> cl-ppcre-devel site list
> cl-ppcre-devel@common-lisp.net
> http://common-lisp.net/mailman/listinfo/cl-ppcre-devel