Solved. Thank you






* (select-symtag)
--TIME MARK 2010-11-04--
17:46 0           RDBMS DEBUG   About to BEGIN transaction in database #<ORACLE {1003212741}>
17:46 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Executing "SELECT SYMTAG_KEY FROM symtag"
STYLE-WARNING: Undefined alien: "OCIGetInstantClientPackageName"
17:46 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Connecting in transaction #<#<STANDARD-CLASS NIL {1005497791}> :begin-executed-p #t {100501B101}>
17:46 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Logging on in transaction #<#<STANDARD-CLASS NIL {1005497791}> :begin-executed-p #t {100501B101}>
17:46 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Preparing command: "SELECT SYMTAG_KEY FROM symtag"
17:46 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetching "SYMTAG_KEY" from buffer at index 0
17:46 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetched: "foo"
17:46 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetching "SYMTAG_KEY" from buffer at index 0
17:46 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetched: "foo11"
17:46 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetching "SYMTAG_KEY" from buffer at index 0
17:46 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetched: "foobar"
17:46 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetching "SYMTAG_KEY" from buffer at index 0
17:46 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetched: "foobar33"
17:46 0           RDBMS DEBUG   About to COMMIT transaction #<#<STANDARD-CLASS NIL {1005497791}> :begin-executed-p #t {100501B101}>
17:46 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Cleaning up Oracle transaction #<#<STANDARD-CLASS NIL {1005497791}> :begin-executed-p #t {100501B101}> to database #<ORACLE {100501B001}>
17:46 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Calling logoff in transaction #<#<STANDARD-CLASS NIL {1005497791}> :begin-executed-p #t {100501B101}>
17:46 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Freeing environment handle of transaction #<#<STANDARD-CLASS NIL {1005497791}> :begin-executed-p #t {100501B101}>
