My current thinking is that it is a software bug because using hu.dwim.rdbms's insert-record function to insert string data
and reading it afterwards with sqlplus works.

Therefore the software bug should have something to do with reading string data from the oracle database server with hu.dwim.rdbms.


*** Fooling around with the idea that I need to make xterm capable of unicode without success. (

(just boxes and asian chars insteat of empty spaces, also tried rxvt-unicode ...)

xterm +u8 -fn '-Misc-Fixed-Medium-R-SemiCondensed--13-120-75-75-C-60-ISO10646-1'

chris@catch22:~$ sbcl --eval "(progn (asdf::load-system 'symarena-oracle) (in-package "SYMORA"))"

* (select-symtag)
--TIME MARK 2010-11-02--
23:35 0           RDBMS DEBUG   About to BEGIN transaction in database #<ORACLE {1003F0E741}>
23:35 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Executing "SELECT SYMTAG_KEY FROM symtag"
STYLE-WARNING: Undefined alien: "OCIGetInstantClientPackageName"
23:35 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Connecting in transaction #<#<STANDARD-CLASS NIL {1004CC6BC1}> :begin-executed-p #t {1004C7A021}>
23:35 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Logging on in transaction #<#<STANDARD-CLASS NIL {1004CC6BC1}> :begin-executed-p #t {1004C7A021}>
23:35 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Preparing command: "SELECT SYMTAG_KEY FROM symtag"
23:35 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetching "åå¤ä´åä
                                                 äå¼ä¬äå¤" from buffer at index 0
23:35 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetched: "ææ¼æ¼"
23:35 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetching "åå¤ä´åä
                                                 äå¼ä¬äå¤" from buffer at index 0
23:35 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetched: "ææ¼æ¼ææ
23:35 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetching "åå¤ä´åä
                                                 äå¼ä¬äå¤" from buffer at index 0
23:35 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetched: "ææ¼æ¼ã
23:35 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetching "åå¤ä´åä
                                                 äå¼ä¬äå¤" from buffer at index 0
23:35 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetched: "ææ¼æ¼ææ
23:35 0           RDBMS DEBUG   About to COMMIT transaction #<#<STANDARD-CLASS NIL {1004CC6BC1}> :begin-executed-p #t {1004C7A021}>
23:35 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Cleaning up Oracle transaction #<#<STANDARD-CLASS NIL {1004CC6BC1}> :begin-executed-p #t {1004C7A021}> to database #<ORACLE {1004C7A001}>
23:35 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Calling logoff in transaction #<#<STANDARD-CLASS NIL {1004CC6BC1}> :begin-executed-p #t {1004C7A021}>
23:35 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Freeing environment handle of transaction #<#<STANDARD-CLASS NIL {1004CC6BC1}> :begin-executed-p #t {1004C7A021}>
* (select-symtag2)
23:35 0           RDBMS DEBUG   About to BEGIN transaction in database #<ORACLE {1004C7A001}>
23:35 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Executing "SELECT SYMTAG_KEY FROM symtag"
STYLE-WARNING: Undefined alien: "OCIGetInstantClientPackageName"
STYLE-WARNING: Undefined alien: "OCIGetInstantClientPackageName"
23:35 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Connecting in transaction #<#<STANDARD-CLASS NIL {1004CC6BC1}> :begin-executed-p #t {10036EE6A1}>
23:35 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Logging on in transaction #<#<STANDARD-CLASS NIL {1004CC6BC1}> :begin-executed-p #t {10036EE6A1}>
23:35 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Preparing command: "SELECT SYMTAG_KEY FROM symtag"
23:35 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetching "åå¤ä´åä
                                                 äå¼ä¬äå¤" from buffer at index 0
23:35 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetched: "ææ¼æ¼"
23:35 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetching "åå¤ä´åä
                                                 äå¼ä¬äå¤" from buffer at index 0
23:35 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetched: "ææ¼æ¼ææ
23:35 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetching "åå¤ä´åä
                                                 äå¼ä¬äå¤" from buffer at index 0
23:35 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetched: "ææ¼æ¼ã
23:35 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetching "åå¤ä´åä
                                                 äå¼ä¬äå¤" from buffer at index 0
23:35 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetched: "ææ¼æ¼ææ
23:35 0           RDBMS DEBUG   About to COMMIT transaction #<#<STANDARD-CLASS NIL {1004CC6BC1}> :begin-executed-p #t {10036EE6A1}>
23:35 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Cleaning up Oracle transaction #<#<STANDARD-CLASS NIL {1004CC6BC1}> :begin-executed-p #t {10036EE6A1}> to database #<ORACLE {1004C7A001}>
23:35 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Calling logoff in transaction #<#<STANDARD-CLASS NIL {1004CC6BC1}> :begin-executed-p #t {10036EE6A1}>
23:35 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Freeing environment handle of transaction #<#<STANDARD-CLASS NIL {1004CC6BC1}> :begin-executed-p #t {10036EE6A1}>
#<(AND (VECTOR T 8) (NOT SIMPLE-ARRAY)) {100393E23F}>

chris@catch22:~$ xterm -u8 -fn '-Misc-Fixed-Medium-R-SemiCondensed--13-120-75-75-C-60-ISO10646-1'

* (select-symtag)
--TIME MARK 2010-11-02--
23:36 0           RDBMS DEBUG   About to BEGIN transaction in database #<ORACLE {1003F0E741}>
23:36 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Executing "SELECT SYMTAG_KEY FROM symtag"
STYLE-WARNING: Undefined alien: "OCIGetInstantClientPackageName"
23:36 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Connecting in transaction #<#<STANDARD-CLASS NIL {1004CC6BC1}> :begin-executed-p #t {1004C7A021}>
23:36 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Logging on in transaction #<#<STANDARD-CLASS NIL {1004CC6BC1}> :begin-executed-p #t {1004C7A021}>
23:36 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Preparing command: "SELECT SYMTAG_KEY FROM symtag"
23:36 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetching "?å¤?ä´?å??ä??ä???ä¬?ä??å¤?" from buffer at index 0
23:36 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetched: "???"
23:36 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetching "?å¤?ä´?å??ä??ä???ä¬?ä??å¤?" from buffer at index 0
23:36 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetched: "??????"
23:36 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetching "?å¤?ä´?å??ä??ä???ä¬?ä??å¤?" from buffer at index 0
23:36 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetched: "?????"
23:36 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetching "?å¤?ä´?å??ä??ä???ä¬?ä??å¤?" from buffer at index 0
23:36 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetched: "????????"
23:36 0           RDBMS DEBUG   About to COMMIT transaction #<#<STANDARD-CLASS NIL {1004CC6BC1}> :begin-executed-p #t {1004C7A021}>
23:36 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Cleaning up Oracle transaction #<#<STANDARD-CLASS NIL {1004CC6BC1}> :begin-executed-p #t {1004C7A021}> to database #<ORACLE {1004C7A001}>
23:36 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Calling logoff in transaction #<#<STANDARD-CLASS NIL {1004CC6BC1}> :begin-executed-p #t {1004C7A021}>
23:36 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Freeing environment handle of transaction #<#<STANDARD-CLASS NIL {1004CC6BC1}> :begin-executed-p #t {1004C7A021}>
* (select-symtag2)
23:36 0           RDBMS DEBUG   About to BEGIN transaction in database #<ORACLE {1004C7A001}>
23:36 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Executing "SELECT SYMTAG_KEY FROM symtag"
STYLE-WARNING: Undefined alien: "OCIGetInstantClientPackageName"
STYLE-WARNING: Undefined alien: "OCIGetInstantClientPackageName"
23:36 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Connecting in transaction #<#<STANDARD-CLASS NIL {1004CC6BC1}> :begin-executed-p #t {10036EE6A1}>
23:36 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Logging on in transaction #<#<STANDARD-CLASS NIL {1004CC6BC1}> :begin-executed-p #t {10036EE6A1}>
23:36 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Preparing command: "SELECT SYMTAG_KEY FROM symtag"
23:36 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetching "?å¤?ä´?å??ä??ä???ä¬?ä??å¤?" from buffer at index 0
23:36 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetched: "???"
23:36 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetching "?å¤?ä´?å??ä??ä???ä¬?ä??å¤?" from buffer at index 0
23:36 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetched: "??????"
23:36 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetching "?å¤?ä´?å??ä??ä???ä¬?ä??å¤?" from buffer at index 0
23:36 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetched: "?????"
23:36 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetching "?å¤?ä´?å??ä??ä???ä¬?ä??å¤?" from buffer at index 0
23:36 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetched: "????????"
23:36 0           RDBMS DEBUG   About to COMMIT transaction #<#<STANDARD-CLASS NIL {1004CC6BC1}> :begin-executed-p #t {10036EE6A1}>
23:36 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Cleaning up Oracle transaction #<#<STANDARD-CLASS NIL {1004CC6BC1}> :begin-executed-p #t {10036EE6A1}> to database #<ORACLE {1004C7A001}>
23:36 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Calling logoff in transaction #<#<STANDARD-CLASS NIL {1004CC6BC1}> :begin-executed-p #t {10036EE6A1}>
23:36 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Freeing environment handle of transaction #<#<STANDARD-CLASS NIL {1004CC6BC1}> :begin-executed-p #t {10036EE6A1}>
#<(AND (VECTOR T 8) (NOT SIMPLE-ARRAY)) {100393E23F}>

chris@catch22:~$ rxvt-unicode
chris@catch22:~$ sbcl --eval "(progn (asdf::load-system 'symarena-oracle) (in-package "SYMORA"))

* (select-symtag)
--TIME MARK 2010-11-02--
23:38 0           RDBMS DEBUG   About to BEGIN transaction in database #<ORACLE {1003F0E741}>
23:38 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Executing "SELECT SYMTAG_KEY FROM symtag"
STYLE-WARNING: Undefined alien: "OCIGetInstantClientPackageName"
23:38 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Connecting in transaction #<#<STANDARD-CLASS NIL {1004CC6BC1}> :begin-executed-p #t {1004C7A021}>
23:38 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Logging on in transaction #<#<STANDARD-CLASS NIL {1004CC6BC1}> :begin-executed-p #t {1004C7A021}>
23:38 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Preparing command: "SELECT SYMTAG_KEY FROM symtag"
23:38 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetching "?å¤?ä´?å??ä??ä???ä¬?ä??å¤?" from buffer at index 0
23:38 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetched: "???"
23:38 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetching "?å¤?ä´?å??ä??ä???ä¬?ä??å¤?" from buffer at index 0
23:38 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetched: "??????"
23:38 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetching "?å¤?ä´?å??ä??ä???ä¬?ä??å¤?" from buffer at index 0
23:38 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetched: "?????"
23:38 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetching "?å¤?ä´?å??ä??ä???ä¬?ä??å¤?" from buffer at index 0
23:38 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetched: "????????"
23:38 0           RDBMS DEBUG   About to COMMIT transaction #<#<STANDARD-CLASS NIL {1004CC6BC1}> :begin-executed-p #t {1004C7A021}>
23:38 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Cleaning up Oracle transaction #<#<STANDARD-CLASS NIL {1004CC6BC1}> :begin-executed-p #t {1004C7A021}> to database #<ORACLE {1004C7A001}>
23:38 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Calling logoff in transaction #<#<STANDARD-CLASS NIL {1004CC6BC1}> :begin-executed-p #t {1004C7A021}>
23:38 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Freeing environment handle of transaction #<#<STANDARD-CLASS NIL {1004CC6BC1}> :begin-executed-p #t {1004C7A021}>
* (select-symtag2)
23:38 0           RDBMS DEBUG   About to BEGIN transaction in database #<ORACLE {1004C7A001}>
23:38 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Executing "SELECT SYMTAG_KEY FROM symtag"
STYLE-WARNING: Undefined alien: "OCIGetInstantClientPackageName"
STYLE-WARNING: Undefined alien: "OCIGetInstantClientPackageName"
23:38 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Connecting in transaction #<#<STANDARD-CLASS NIL {1004CC6BC1}> :begin-executed-p #t {10036EE6A1}>
23:38 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Logging on in transaction #<#<STANDARD-CLASS NIL {1004CC6BC1}> :begin-executed-p #t {10036EE6A1}>
23:38 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Preparing command: "SELECT SYMTAG_KEY FROM symtag"
23:38 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetching "?å¤?ä´?å??ä??ä???ä¬?ä??å¤?" from buffer at index 0
23:38 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetched: "???"
23:38 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetching "?å¤?ä´?å??ä??ä???ä¬?ä??å¤?" from buffer at index 0
23:38 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetched: "??????"
23:38 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetching "?å¤?ä´?å??ä??ä???ä¬?ä??å¤?" from buffer at index 0
23:38 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetched: "?????"
23:38 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetching "?å¤?ä´?å??ä??ä???ä¬?ä??å¤?" from buffer at index 0
23:38 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Fetched: "????????"
23:38 0           RDBMS DEBUG   About to COMMIT transaction #<#<STANDARD-CLASS NIL {1004CC6BC1}> :begin-executed-p #t {10036EE6A1}>
23:38 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Cleaning up Oracle transaction #<#<STANDARD-CLASS NIL {1004CC6BC1}> :begin-executed-p #t {10036EE6A1}> to database #<ORACLE {1004C7A001}>
23:38 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Calling logoff in transaction #<#<STANDARD-CLASS NIL {1004CC6BC1}> :begin-executed-p #t {10036EE6A1}>
23:38 0           RDBMS DEBUG   Freeing environment handle of transaction #<#<STANDARD-CLASS NIL {1004CC6BC1}> :begin-executed-p #t {10036EE6A1}>
#<(AND (VECTOR T 8) (NOT SIMPLE-ARRAY)) {100393E23F}>
