we stick to long names (and use fuzzy completion in slime).
I will try this fuzzy completion thing but I'm sceptical. Shorter names may still give you an advantage when it comes to reading code. :)
i suggest a bit more meditation on this. and if you still haven't changed your mind, then run experiments that include returning to code you wrote several months/years ago... :)
sometimes it happens that i accidentally implement something twice because of patch organization problems and/or not having an unlimited memory. to my delight, i more often than not name stuff exactly the same way in both implementations which are quite distant in time.
it also means that when i happen to look for something, i'll grep for at least a part of the name i would give it. this strategy usually very cheaply gets me to what i'm looking for. even years later...
all in all, having long and descriptive names is not a question for me anymore, especially with slime's fuzzy completion.
Just want to add that I'm grateful for your software, thank you.
we're glad you find it useful!