Howdy Attila and Co,
I have been desirous of a package like this for quite a while and
finally got around to trying out cl-syntax-sugar. I like it very much,
so thank you for all your hard work on this front. My primary reason
for using this package was to get cl-interpol syntax to be always
available when I compile or load either through swank or asdf, and was
very happy to see that you had tackled this. I also wanted the clsql
reader syntax to behave in a more standard way and to also be attachable
to the package we are compiling in. I did not however, want to compile
all the available syntaxes that you have created. To this end I
restructured the asd files for this project as described below. I
wanted to make this patch available to others in case they found it
useful, as well as get your opinion on this restructuring. I was unable
to get all the tests to pass, but the same number of tests fail before
and after my changes (so I am pretty confident I didn't cause them).
* slim-cl-syntax-sugar loads all the necessary pieces to create a syntax
and have that work with asdf (and swank if it is loaded)
* every syntax is now its own system which relies on slim
* the main cl-syntax-sugar asd now just depends on each of the syntax
systems and slim
* created new clsql-syntax and cl-interpol-syntax packages/systems that
rely on the appropriate dependencies and declare defsyntax for their
respective syntaxes
Now I can just load the specific syntax I wish to use in my project (eg:
:depends-on (:cl-interpol-syntax)) and asdf takes care of loading what
is necessary.
Hope this helps someone,
Russ Tyndall
New patches:
[added a slim-cl-syntax-sugar asd that is useful for loading only the system with none of its syntaxes
Russ Tyndall <russ(a)>**20090122214453] {
addfile ./slim-cl-syntax-sugar.asd
hunk ./slim-cl-syntax-sugar.asd 1
+;;; -*- mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; -*-
+;;; Copyright (c) 2008 by the authors.
+;;; See LICENCE for details.
+(cl:in-package :cl-user)
+;;; try to load asdf-system-connections
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+ (flet ((try (system)
+ (unless (asdf:find-system system nil)
+ (warn "Trying to install required dependency: ~S" system)
+ (when (find-package :asdf-install)
+ (funcall (read-from-string "asdf-install:install") system))
+ (unless (asdf:find-system system nil)
+ (error "The ~A system requires ~A." (or *compile-file-pathname* *load-pathname*) system)))
+ (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op system)))
+ (try :asdf-system-connections)))
+(defpackage #:cl-syntax-sugar-system
+ (:use :cl :asdf))
+(in-package #:cl-syntax-sugar-system)
+(defsystem :slim-cl-syntax-sugar
+ :author ("Levente Mészáros <levente.meszaros(a)>"
+ "Attila Lendvai <attila.lendvai(a)>")
+ :licence "BSD / Public Domain"
+ :description "A slim version of syntax sugar without any syntax's defined"
+ :depends-on (:alexandria :metabang-bind)
+ :components
+ ((:module "src"
+ :components ((:file "package")
+ (:file "duplicates" :depends-on ("package"))
+ (:file "asdf-integration" :depends-on ("package" "duplicates"))
+ (:file "syntax-sugar" :depends-on ("duplicates")))
+ )))
+(defsystem-connection slim-cl-syntax-sugar-and-swank
+ :requires (:slim-cl-syntax-sugar :swank)
+ :components
+ ((:module "src"
+ :components ((:file "swank-integration")))))
+(defsystem :lambda-with-bang-args-syntax
+ :author ("Levente Mészáros <levente.meszaros(a)>"
+ "Attila Lendvai <attila.lendvai(a)>")
+ :licence "BSD / Public Domain"
+ :description "the lambda syntax that is packaged by default with cl-syntax-sugar"
+ :depends-on (:slim-cl-syntax-sugar)
+ :components
+ ((:module "src"
+ :components ((:file "lambda"))
+ )))
[added interpol syntax asd and clsql-syntax.asd
Russ Tyndall <russ(a)>**20090122215100] {
addfile ./cl-interpol-syntax.asd
hunk ./cl-interpol-syntax.asd 1
+;; -*- lisp -*-
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+ (unless (find-package :cl-interpol-syntax)
+ (defpackage :cl-interpol-syntax
+ (:use :common-lisp :asdf))))
+(in-package :cl-interpol-syntax)
+(defsystem :cl-interpol-syntax
+ :description "A cl-syntax-sugar:defsyntax"
+ :author ""
+ :licence "BSD like (so what you want)"
+ :depends-on (:cl-interpol :slim-cl-syntax-sugar))
+(defmethod asdf::traverse ( (op asdf:operation) (s (eql (find-system :cl-interpol-syntax))))
+ ;; ensure that operations on the system get performed on the system
+ (let ((results (call-next-method)))
+ (if (find s results :key #'cdr)
+ results
+ (append results (list (cons op s))))))
+(defmethod asdf:perform ( (op asdf:operation) (system (eql (find-system :cl-interpol-syntax))))
+ (when (next-method-p) (call-next-method))
+ (let ((*package* (find-package :cl-interpol-syntax)))
+ (cl-syntax-sugar:define-syntax cl-interpol (&optional (dispatch-char #\#) (sub-char #\?))
+ "define the interpol syntax"
+ (set-dispatch-macro-character dispatch-char sub-char #'cl-interpol::interpol-reader))))
addfile ./clsql-syntax.asd
hunk ./clsql-syntax.asd 1
+;; -*- lisp -*-
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+ (unless (find-package :clsql-syntax)
+ (defpackage :clsql-syntax
+ (:use :common-lisp :asdf))))
+(in-package :clsql-syntax)
+(defsystem :clsql-syntax
+ :description "A cl-syntax-sugar:defsyntax"
+ :author ""
+ :licence "BSD like (so what you want)"
+ :depends-on (:clsql :slim-cl-syntax-sugar))
+(defmethod asdf::traverse ( (op asdf:operation) (s (eql (find-system :clsql-syntax))))
+ ;; ensure that operations on the system get performed on the system
+ (let ((results (call-next-method)))
+ (if (find s results :key #'cdr)
+ results
+ (append results (list (cons op s)))
+ )))
+(defmethod asdf:perform ( (op asdf:operation) (system (eql (find-system :clsql-syntax))))
+ (when (next-method-p) (call-next-method))
+ (let ((*package* (find-package :clsql-syntax)))
+ (cl-syntax-sugar:define-syntax clsql ()
+ "define the interpol syntax"
+ (set-macro-character clsql-sys::*sql-macro-open-char* #'clsql-sys::sql-reader-open)
+ (set-macro-character clsql-sys::*sql-macro-close-char* (get-macro-character #\))))))
[Transformed the asd files to reference the specific syntax asds when loading
Russ Tyndall <russ(a)>**20090122225955] {
hunk ./cl-interpol-syntax.asd 2
+;; This system is used for defining the cl-interpol syntax
hunk ./cl-syntax-sugar.asd 31
- :depends-on (:alexandria :metabang-bind)
- :components
- ((:module "src"
- :components ((:file "package")
- (:file "duplicates" :depends-on ("package"))
- (:file "asdf-integration" :depends-on ("package" "duplicates"))
- (:file "syntax-sugar" :depends-on ("duplicates"))
- (:file "one-liners" :depends-on ("duplicates" "syntax-sugar"))
- (:file "readtime-wrapper" :depends-on ("one-liners" "duplicates" "syntax-sugar"))
- (:file "quasi-quote" :depends-on ("one-liners" "duplicates" "syntax-sugar"))
- (:file "feature-cond" :depends-on ("one-liners" "duplicates" "syntax-sugar"))
- (:file "string-quote" :depends-on ("one-liners" "duplicates" "syntax-sugar"))))))
+ :depends-on (:quasi-quote-syntax
+ :readtime-wrapper-syntax
+ :string-quote-syntax
+ :feature-cond-syntax
+ ;; we want to load this first so put it last in the list
+ :slim-cl-syntax-sugar
+ ))
hunk ./cl-syntax-sugar.asd 53
- :components
- ((:module "src"
- :components ((:file "cl-walker-integration")
- (:file "lambda" :depends-on ("cl-walker-integration"))))))
+ :depends-on (:lambda-with-bang-args-syntax))
hunk ./clsql-syntax.asd 2
+;; This system is used for defining the clsql syntax
hunk ./slim-cl-syntax-sugar.asd 51
+ :depends-on (:slim-cl-syntax-sugar :cl-walker)
+ :components
+ ((:module "src"
+ :components ((:file "cl-walker-integration")
+ (:file "lambda" :depends-on ("cl-walker-integration")))
+ )))
+(defsystem :quasi-quote-syntax
+ :author ("Levente Mészáros <levente.meszaros(a)>"
+ "Attila Lendvai <attila.lendvai(a)>")
+ :licence "BSD / Public Domain"
+ :description "the quasi-quote-syntax that is packaged by default with cl-syntax-sugar"
+ :depends-on (:slim-cl-syntax-sugar)
+ :components
+ ((:module "src"
+ :components ((:file "one-liners")
+ (:file "quasi-quote" :depends-on ("one-liners"))))))
+(defsystem :readtime-wrapper-syntax
+ :author ("Levente Mészáros <levente.meszaros(a)>"
+ "Attila Lendvai <attila.lendvai(a)>")
+ :licence "BSD / Public Domain"
+ :description "the readtime-wrapper-syntax that is packaged by default with cl-syntax-sugar"
hunk ./slim-cl-syntax-sugar.asd 77
- :components ((:file "lambda"))
+ :components ((:file "one-liners")
+ (:file "readtime-wrapper" :depends-on ("one-liners")))
hunk ./slim-cl-syntax-sugar.asd 81
+(defsystem :string-quote-syntax
+ :author ("Levente Mészáros <levente.meszaros(a)>"
+ "Attila Lendvai <attila.lendvai(a)>")
+ :licence "BSD / Public Domain"
+ :description "the string-quote-syntax that is packaged by default with cl-syntax-sugar"
+ :depends-on (:slim-cl-syntax-sugar)
+ :components
+ ((:module "src"
+ :components ((:file "one-liners")
+ (:file "string-quote" :depends-on ("one-liners"))))))
+(defsystem :feature-cond-syntax
+ :author ("Levente Mészáros <levente.meszaros(a)>"
+ "Attila Lendvai <attila.lendvai(a)>")
+ :licence "BSD / Public Domain"
+ :description "the feature-cond-syntax that is packaged by default with cl-syntax-sugar"
+ :depends-on (:slim-cl-syntax-sugar)
+ :components
+ ((:module "src"
+ :components ((:file "one-liners")
+ (:file "feature-cond" :depends-on ("one-liners"))))))
[follow cl-walker walk-ast rename
Ignore-this: e3f04766224260764759543ab206b5df
[fix qq reader thinko
Ignore-this: d2a54b3ab738bda5bcb17db8eb45ae6e
[fix nested qq reader bug and add log statements. the interesting change is small, getting the previous unquote reader in read-quasi-quote, the rest is logging and indenting
Ignore-this: 6fb58dad7a72583aa0171a3c31def381
[added :unquote-readtable-case to the qq syntax
Ignore-this: 9a22ab89a7c9f9ce1e85a8d3f5657dc9
[TAG 2008-11-27
Ignore-this: 130c861e19237f1634b690048054d730
Patch bundle hash: