I just decided to stop trying to put all the content in a single file, so I now have two files for each new syntax I was trying to introduce (cl-interpol and clsql). I just couldnt get it to work reliably in a single file.


Russ Tyndall wrote:
Howdy again,

I had a bug in the version I submitted, having to do with attempting to
read symbols before their package has been successfully loaded. I could
think of no other way to get around this than using eval, which I have
traditionally shunned.  I am not happy with this solution, and if
someone could suggest a better single file system, than what I have
ginned up for clsql and cl-interpol syntax declarations I would be

Patch attached and thanks in advance for the feedback,

Russ Tyndall wrote:
Howdy Attila and Co,

I have been desirous of a package like this for quite a while and
finally got around to trying out cl-syntax-sugar.  I like it very much,
so thank you for all your hard work on this front.  My primary reason
for using this package was to get cl-interpol syntax to be always
available when I compile or load either through swank or asdf, and was
very happy to see that you had tackled this.  I also wanted the clsql
reader syntax to behave in a more standard way and to also be attachable
to the package we are compiling in.  I did not however, want to compile
all the available syntaxes that you have created.  To this end I
restructured the asd files for this project as described below.  I
wanted to make this patch available to others in case they found it
useful, as well as get your opinion on this restructuring.  I was unable
to get all the tests to pass, but the same number of tests fail before
and after my changes (so I am pretty confident I didn't cause them).

* slim-cl-syntax-sugar loads all the necessary pieces to create a syntax
and have that work with asdf (and swank if it is loaded)
* every syntax is now its own system which relies on slim
* the main cl-syntax-sugar asd now just depends on each of the syntax
systems and slim
* created new clsql-syntax and cl-interpol-syntax packages/systems that
rely on the appropriate dependencies and declare defsyntax for their
respective syntaxes

Now I can just load the specific syntax I wish to use in my project (eg:
:depends-on (:cl-interpol-syntax)) and asdf takes care of loading what
is necessary.

Hope this helps someone,
Russ Tyndall


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