Update of /project/cl-unification/cvsroot/cl-unification/test In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv28935
Added Files: unification-tests.lisp Log Message: Added file.
--- /project/cl-unification/cvsroot/cl-unification/test/unification-tests.lisp 2008/07/13 13:14:56 NONE +++ /project/cl-unification/cvsroot/cl-unification/test/unification-tests.lisp 2008/07/13 13:14:56 1.1 ;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp -*-
;;;; unification-tests.lisp -- ;;;; CL-UNIFICATION test suite. Requires Franz's util.test package.
(use-package "UNIFY") (use-package "UTIL.TEST")
(with-tests (:name "basic constant unification") (test t (unify:environment-p (unify 42 42)))
(test-error (unify 42 12) :condition-type 'unification-failure)
(test-error (unify 42 'a) :condition-type 'unification-failure)
(test t (unify:environment-p (unify 'a 'a)))
(test t (unify:environment-p (unify '(a s d) '(a s d))))
(test t (unify:environment-p (unify '(a (s 42) d) '(a (s 42) d))))
(test-error (unify '(a (s forty-two) d) '(a (s 42) z)) :condition-type 'unification-failure)
(test t (unify:environment-p (unify #(a s d) #(a s d))))
(test t (unify:environment-p (unify #2a((a s d) (a s d)) #2a((a s d) (a s d)))))
(test-error (unify #2a((a s d) (a s d)) #2a((a s d) (a 42 d))) :condition-type 'unification-failure)
(test t (unify:environment-p (unify "I am a string" "I am a string")))
(test-error (unify "I am a string" "I am A string") :condition-type 'unification-failure)
(test t (let ((*unify-string-case-insensitive-p* t)) (unify:environment-p (unify "I am a string" "I am A string"))))
(with-tests (:name "variables unification") (test '(42 T) (find-variable-value '?x (unify 42 '?x)) :multiple-values t) (test '(NIL NIL) (find-variable-value '?y (unify 42 '?x)) :multiple-values t)
(test '(42 T) (find-variable-value '?x (unify '?x 42)) :multiple-values t)
(test '(s T) (v? '?x (unify '(a (?x 42) d) '(a (s 42) d))) :multiple-values t) (test '(s T) (v? '?x (unify '(a (?x 42) d) '(a (s 42) d))) :multiple-values t)
(test '((?x 42) T) (v? '?z (unify '(a (?x 42) d) '(a ?z d))) :multiple-values t :test 'equal)
(test '(NIL T) (v? '?x (unify '(a (?x 42) d) '(a (() 42) d))) :multiple-values t)
(test '(NIL NIL) (v? '?variable (unify '(a (() 42) d) '(a (?x 42) d))) :multiple-values t)
(test t (unify:environment-p (unify '_ '(1 2 3))))
(test t (unify:environment-p (unify '_ '(1 _ 3))))
(test t (unify:environment-p (unify '(1 2 _) '(1 _ 3))))
(test t (unify:environment-p (unify '(1 2 _) '(1 _ 3))))
(test '(2 T) (v? '?x (unify #(1 2 _) #(1 ?x 3))) :multiple-values t)
(test-error (unify '(1 2 _) #(1 _ 3)) :condition-type 'unification-failure :known-failure t :fail-info "Unification on SEQUENCEs does not discriminate type.") )
(with-tests (:name "basic templates unification")
(with-tests (:name "number templates unification") (test t (unify:environment-p (unify #T(number 42) 42))) (test t (unify:environment-p (unify 42 #T(number 42)))) (test t (unify:environment-p (unify 42 #T(integer 42)))) (test t (unify:environment-p (unify 42 #T(fixnum 42))))
(test t (unify:environment-p (unify 42.0 #T(real 42)))) (test t (unify:environment-p (unify #C(0 1) #T(complex #C(0 1)))))
(test '(42 T) (v? '?x (unify #T(number ?x) 42)) :multiple-values t)
(test-error (unify 42 #T(float 42.0)) :condition-type 'unification-failure :known-failure t :fail-info "Check rules for unification on numeric tower.") ) )
(defclass test1 () ((a :initarg :a :accessor a) (b :initarg :b :accessor b)))
(with-tests (:name "advanced templates unification")
(test '(a T) (v? '?x (unify #2A((1 #T(symbol ?x) 3) (_ _ _)) #2A((1 a 3) (q w e)))) :multiple-values t)
(test '(#\f T) (ignore-errors (v? '?x (unify "asdfasdfasdf" #T(elt 3 ?x)))) :multiple-values t :known-failure t :fail-info "ELT templates must be fixed.")
(test '(42 T) (ignore-errors (v? 'x (unify '(0 1 42 3 4 5) #T(nth 2 ?x)))) :multiple-values t :known-failure t :fail-info "NTH templates must be fixed.")
(test '(2 T) (v? '?x (unify #T(test1 a #T(list 1 ?x 3 &rest) b "woot") (make-instance 'test1 :a '(1 2 3) :b "woot"))) :multiple-values t)
(defun nested-match-cases (input) (match-case (input) ('(:a ?a :b #T(list &rest ?bs)) (loop for b in ?bs collect (match-case (b) ('(:c ?c) ?c) ('(:d ?d) ?d) (otherwise (error "error-inner"))))) (otherwise "error-outer")))
(with-tests (:name "control flow") (test "error-outer" (nested-match-cases '(:a 42 :b 33)) :test 'string=)
;;;; end of file -- unification-tests.lisp --