#36: Modify renderers to allow specialization on slot types ---------------------------------------------------+------------------------ Reporter: sakhmechet | Owner: sakhmechet Type: enhancement | Status: new Priority: high | Milestone: 0.1 Component: weblocks | Version: pre-0.1 Keywords: renderers slots types dropdown custom | ---------------------------------------------------+------------------------ Currently specializing renderers to output various types in a custom manner (dropdowns for lists, checkboxes for booleans, etc.) is broken because when slots are set to nil, type information is lost.
We need to modify renderers to accept one more argument 'slot-type', and modify 'visit-object-slots' to pass this argument to renderers.
We also need to add common sense default specializations. Booleans should output checkboxes in forms and true/false in data renderers (instead of N/A which is done for nils now). Lists (sequences?) should render as dropdowns (or local suggest snippets) in forms. We also need to add some type aliases. For example 'one-of' types should render as radio buttons.
How will we render sequences in data renderers? Some options include rendering each item in a comma separated list, having a link to datagrid, etc.