New release CL-WIKI 0.2.3
CL-WIKI is a wiki engine for Common Lisp. It uses Hunchentoot, CL-PPCRE, CL-WHO and CL-EMB. Can be used stand-alone, with Apache + mod_lisp, or behind any http proxy.
You can download it from or install with ASDF-Install.
CL-USER> (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :asdf-install) CL-USER> (asdf-install:install :cl-wiki)
- Source snippets colorized with colorize code from lisppaste
<source lang="Python"> def foo(x): print x </source>
The resulting DIV block has the class "code". The example template main.template includes a CSS style for it and the resulting colorization.
Without the "lang" option (or when the language isn't supported) a PRE block with class="code" is generated.
Supported language options: "Basic Lisp", "Scheme", "Emacs Lisp", "Common Lisp", "C", "C++", "Java", "Objective C", "Erlang", "Python", or "Haskell"