First release CL-WIKI 0.0.2
CL-WIKI is a wiki engine for Common Lisp. It uses TBNL, CL-PPCRE, and CL-EMB. Can be used stand-alone or with Apache + mod_lisp.
You can download it from or install with ASDF-Install.
CL-USER> (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :asdf-install) CL-USER> (asdf-install:install :cl-wiki)
- CL-WHO is used for forms
- A page list on top and bottom of page. See special variable *WIKI-PAGE-LIST* Defaults to '((:title "Home" :link "Home") (:title "About" :link "About") (:title "Contact" :link "Contact")) The links can contain parameters and are simply appended to *WIKI-URL*
- Some code cleanup (removed code duplication, etc.)
- Two new wiki codes (that makes a gigantic number of three supported wiki codes now! :-) '''foo''' ==> <strong>foo</strong> ''foo'' ==> <em>foo</em> Which is bold and italic in most browsers.
================================================ IMPORTANT: Please upgrade CL-WHO to at least 0.6.0 and CL-EMB to at least 0.4.1 ================================================