This error does not happen on a fresh checkout. Had previous master build and did a checkout of 0.3-test-6. Starting Clasp boehm-0.3 ... loading image... it takes a few seconds Building cleavir clasp full version - loading compile-cclasp.lisp Loading cleavir-system.lsp Loading/compiling source: #P"/Applications/Clasp/clasp/build/clasp/Contents/Resources/lisp/kernel/contrib/sicl/Code/Cleavir/Input-output/packages.lisp" Loading/compiling source: #P"/Applications/Clasp/clasp/build/clasp/Contents/Resources/lisp/kernel/contrib/sicl/Code/Cleavir/Input-output/io.lisp" Condition of type: SIMPLE-ERROR Noticed that the git command updating SICL contrib gives an error when not running a fresh checkout of 0.3-test-6. By the way, 0.3-test-5 builds fine. But I'm not sure what the benefits of 0.3-test-5 over master are. Best wishes Chris Kohlhepp