I'm a better "branding expert" and humorist (your opinion may vary) than a programmer. That's why I thought Tokamak Lisp would be a good name for the main branch of clasp. We are creating a magnetic field to contain and harness the fusion of energy that is Chris at work. Last time I checked they were using a sphere rather than a toroid, but Tokamak Lisp sounds cooler than Sphere Lisp. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tokamak https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tokamak#/media/File:Tokamak_%28scheme%29.jpg By the way, I discovered the wiki page on the clasp github site. I think this would be a good way to develop a rough draft of a future project landing website and capture more of the evolving ideas in clasp. Yes, I am volunteering. -- (o> ( ) --++--Andy