after a few more hickups, i finally succeeded in building clasp, on linux.
one thing i wonder is how to get a stack backtrace, if there is a break. just interacting at the prompt just seems to return to the prompt, flushing the error, like this:
(+ 2 'b)
Debugger received error of type: SIMPLE-TYPE-ERROR In lisp_errorUnexpectedType ../../src/core/ line 163 COMMON-LISP:TYPE-ERROR :initializers (:DATUM B :EXPECTED-TYPE COMMON-LISP:NUMBER )
Error flushed.
that'll make it difficult to get to the bottom of various issues.
also, drmeister, you wanted me to look into speeding up clasp. but i'll need some pointers on how to get started on this.
it would be good if there were a rough "how to optimize" guide available. is there a worked out example for me to look at ? which function/file ?
and could you please assign one of those open tasks to me ? it will probably take some time for me to chew on, but i'd prefer to work on something that doesn't duplicate what other people might be working on.