Update of /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv5279
Modified Files:
html-syntax.lisp syntax.lisp
Log Message:
HTML syntax now does syntax highlighting.
The current code is a mess, because I haven't figured out how much of
html-syntax.lisp can be factored out and put in syntax.lisp for use
with other syntax modules.
Also, the HTML syntax module is nowhere near complete. It exists
merely as an illustration of what can be done with incremental
parsing. It is definitely premature to try to turn it into something
more complete and truly useful for editing HTML.
Date: Fri Mar 11 08:03:32 2005
Author: rstrandh
Index: climacs/html-syntax.lisp
diff -u climacs/html-syntax.lisp:1.8 climacs/html-syntax.lisp:1.9
--- climacs/html-syntax.lisp:1.8 Thu Mar 10 07:37:40 2005
+++ climacs/html-syntax.lisp Fri Mar 11 08:03:31 2005
@@ -24,9 +24,28 @@
+;;; this should really go in syntax.lisp
+(defclass parse-tree ()
+ ((start-mark :initarg :start-mark :reader start-mark)
+ (size :initarg :size)))
+(defgeneric start-offset (parse-tree))
+(defmethod start-offset ((tree parse-tree))
+ (offset (start-mark tree)))
+(defgeneric end-offset (parse-tree))
+(defmethod end-offset ((tree parse-tree))
+ (with-slots (start-mark size) tree
+ (+ (offset start-mark) size)))
;;; grammar classes
-(defclass html-sym ()
+(defclass html-sym (parse-tree)
((badness :initform 0 :initarg :badness :reader badness)
(message :initform "" :initarg :message :reader message)))
@@ -34,9 +53,7 @@
(and (eq (class-of t1) (class-of t2))
(< (badness t1) (badness t2))))
-(defclass html-nonterminal (html-sym)
- ((start-offset :initarg :start-offset :reader start-offset)
- (end-offset :initarg :end-offset :reader end-offset)))
+(defclass html-nonterminal (html-sym) ())
(defclass words (html-nonterminal) ())
@@ -68,40 +85,30 @@
(defclass para (html-words) ())
(defclass html-token (html-sym)
- ((start-mark :initarg :start-mark :reader start-mark)
- (size :initarg :size)))
-(defgeneric end-offset (html-token))
-(defmethod end-offset ((token html-token))
- (with-slots (start-mark size) token
- (+ (offset start-mark) size)))
-(defgeneric start-offset (html-token))
+ ((ink) (face)))
-(defmethod start-offset ((token html-token))
- (offset (start-mark token)))
+(defclass html-tag (html-token) ())
-(defclass <html> (html-token) () (:default-initargs :size 6))
-(defclass </html> (html-token) ()(:default-initargs :size 7))
-(defclass <head> (html-token) () (:default-initargs :size 6))
-(defclass </head> (html-token) () (:default-initargs :size 7))
-(defclass <title> (html-token) () (:default-initargs :size 7))
-(defclass </title> (html-token) () (:default-initargs :size 8))
-(defclass <body> (html-token) () (:default-initargs :size 6))
-(defclass </body> (html-token) () (:default-initargs :size 7))
-(defclass <h1> (html-token) () (:default-initargs :size 4))
-(defclass </h1> (html-token) () (:default-initargs :size 5))
-(defclass <h2> (html-token) () (:default-initargs :size 4))
-(defclass </h2> (html-token) () (:default-initargs :size 5))
-(defclass <h3> (html-token) () (:default-initargs :size 4))
-(defclass </h3> (html-token) () (:default-initargs :size 5))
-(defclass <p> (html-token) () (:default-initargs :size 3))
-(defclass </p> (html-token) () (:default-initargs :size 4))
-(defclass <ul> (html-token) () (:default-initargs :size 4))
-(defclass </ul> (html-token) () (:default-initargs :size 5))
-(defclass <li> (html-token) () (:default-initargs :size 4))
-(defclass </li> (html-token) () (:default-initargs :size 5))
+(defclass <html> (html-tag) () (:default-initargs :size 6))
+(defclass </html> (html-tag) ()(:default-initargs :size 7))
+(defclass <head> (html-tag) () (:default-initargs :size 6))
+(defclass </head> (html-tag) () (:default-initargs :size 7))
+(defclass <title> (html-tag) () (:default-initargs :size 7))
+(defclass </title> (html-tag) () (:default-initargs :size 8))
+(defclass <body> (html-tag) () (:default-initargs :size 6))
+(defclass </body> (html-tag) () (:default-initargs :size 7))
+(defclass <h1> (html-tag) () (:default-initargs :size 4))
+(defclass </h1> (html-tag) () (:default-initargs :size 5))
+(defclass <h2> (html-tag) () (:default-initargs :size 4))
+(defclass </h2> (html-tag) () (:default-initargs :size 5))
+(defclass <h3> (html-tag) () (:default-initargs :size 4))
+(defclass </h3> (html-tag) () (:default-initargs :size 5))
+(defclass <p> (html-tag) () (:default-initargs :size 3))
+(defclass </p> (html-tag) () (:default-initargs :size 4))
+(defclass <ul> (html-tag) () (:default-initargs :size 4))
+(defclass </ul> (html-tag) () (:default-initargs :size 5))
+(defclass <li> (html-tag) () (:default-initargs :size 4))
+(defclass </li> (html-tag) () (:default-initargs :size 5))
@@ -199,23 +206,27 @@
(tag-end (= (end-offset word) (start-offset tag-end))))
:start-mark (start-mark tag-start))
(html -> (<html> head body </html>)
- :start-offset (start-offset <html>) :end-offset (end-offset </html>)
+ :start-mark (start-mark <html>)
+ :size (- (end-offset </html>) (start-offset <html>))
:start <html> :head head :body body :end </html>)
(head -> (<head> title </head>)
- :start-offset (start-offset <head>) :end-offset (end-offset </head>)
+ :start-mark (start-mark <head>)
+ :size (- (end-offset </head>) (start-offset <head>))
:start <head> :title title :end </head>)
(title -> (<title> words </title>)
- :start-offset (start-offset <title>) :end-offset (end-offset </title>)
+ :start-mark (start-mark <title>)
+ :size (- (end-offset </title>) (start-offset <title>))
:start <title> :words words :end </title>)
(body -> (<body> words </body>)
- :start-offset (start-offset <body>) :end-offset (end-offset </body>)
+ :start-mark (start-mark <body>)
+ :size (- (end-offset </body>) (start-offset <body>))
:start <body> :words words :end </body>)
(words -> ()
- (make-instance 'empty-words :start-offset nil))
+ (make-instance 'empty-words :start-mark nil))
(words -> (words word)
(make-instance 'nonempty-words
- :start-offset (or (start-offset words) (start-offset word))
- :end-offset (end-offset word)
+ :start-mark (or (start-mark words) (start-mark word))
+ :size (- (end-offset word) (offset (or (start-mark words) (start-mark word))))
:words words :word word))))
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((syntax html-syntax) &rest args)
@@ -287,12 +298,20 @@
;;; display
+(defvar *white-space-start* nil)
+(defvar *cursor-positions* nil)
+(defvar *current-line* 0)
(defun handle-whitespace (pane buffer start end)
(let ((space-width (space-width pane))
(tab-width (tab-width pane)))
(loop while (< start end)
do (ecase (buffer-object buffer start)
- (#\Newline (terpri pane))
+ (#\Newline (terpri pane)
+ (setf (aref *cursor-positions* (incf *current-line*))
+ (multiple-value-bind (x y) (stream-cursor-position pane)
+ y)))
(#\Space (stream-increment-cursor-position
pane space-width 0))
(#\Tab (let ((x (stream-cursor-position pane)))
@@ -310,15 +329,32 @@
(defmethod display-parse-tree ((entity html-token) (syntax html-syntax) pane)
- (updating-output (pane :unique-id entity
- :id-test #'eq
- :cache-value entity
- :cache-test #'eq)
- (present (coerce (region-to-sequence (start-mark entity)
- (end-offset entity))
- 'string)
- 'string
- :stream pane)))
+ (flet ((cache-test (t1 t2)
+ (and (eq t1 t2)
+ (eq (slot-value t1 'ink)
+ (medium-ink (sheet-medium pane)))
+ (eq (slot-value t1 'face)
+ (text-style-face (medium-text-style (sheet-medium pane)))))))
+ (updating-output (pane :unique-id entity
+ :id-test #'eq
+ :cache-value entity
+ :cache-test #'cache-test)
+ (with-slots (ink face) entity
+ (setf ink (medium-ink (sheet-medium pane))
+ face (text-style-face (medium-text-style (sheet-medium pane))))
+ (present (coerce (region-to-sequence (start-mark entity)
+ (end-offset entity))
+ 'string)
+ 'string
+ :stream pane)))))
+(defmethod display-parse-tree :around ((entity html-tag) (syntax html-syntax) pane)
+ (with-drawing-options (pane :ink +green+)
+ (call-next-method)))
+(defmethod display-parse-tree :before ((entity html-token) (syntax html-syntax) pane)
+ (handle-whitespace pane (buffer pane) *white-space-start* (start-offset entity))
+ (setf *white-space-start* (end-offset entity)))
(defmethod display-parse-tree :before ((entity html-balanced) (syntax html-syntax) pane)
(with-slots (start) entity
@@ -328,6 +364,10 @@
(with-slots (end) entity
(display-parse-tree end syntax pane)))
+(defmethod display-parse-tree :around ((entity title) (syntax html-syntax) pane)
+ (with-text-face (pane :bold)
+ (call-next-method)))
(defmethod display-parse-tree ((entity html-words) (syntax html-syntax) pane)
(with-slots (words) entity
(display-parse-tree words syntax pane)))
@@ -367,6 +407,9 @@
(defmethod redisplay-pane-with-syntax ((pane climacs-pane) (syntax html-syntax) current-p)
(with-slots (top bot) pane
+ (setf *cursor-positions* (make-array (1+ (number-of-lines-in-region top bot)))
+ *current-line* 0
+ (aref *cursor-positions* 0) (stream-cursor-position pane))
(with-slots (tokens) syntax
(let ((average-token-size (max (float (/ (size (buffer pane)) (nb-elements tokens)))
@@ -383,29 +426,30 @@
;; go back to the first token after top, or until the previous token
;; contains a valid parser state
(loop until (or (mark<= (end-offset (element* tokens (1- start-token-index))) top)
- (not (null (parse-stack-top
- (slot-value (element* tokens (1- start-token-index)) 'state)))))
+ (not (parse-state-empty-p
+ (slot-value (element* tokens (1- start-token-index)) 'state))))
do (decf start-token-index))
- ;; display the parse tree if any
- (unless (parse-state-empty-p (slot-value (element* tokens (1- start-token-index)) 'state))
- (display-parse-state (slot-value (element* tokens (1- start-token-index)) 'state)
- syntax
- pane))
- ;; display the tokens
- (loop with prev-offset = (end-offset (element* tokens (1- start-token-index)))
- while (< start-token-index end-token-index)
- do (let ((token (element* tokens start-token-index)))
- (handle-whitespace pane (buffer pane) prev-offset (start-offset token))
- (updating-output (pane :unique-id token
- :id-test #'eq
- :cache-value token
- :cache-test #'eq)
- (present (coerce (region-to-sequence (start-mark token)
- (end-offset token))
- 'string)
- 'string
- :stream pane))
- (setf prev-offset (end-offset token)))
- (incf start-token-index))))))))
+ (let ((*white-space-start* (offset top)))
+ ;; display the parse tree if any
+ (unless (parse-state-empty-p (slot-value (element* tokens (1- start-token-index)) 'state))
+ (display-parse-state (slot-value (element* tokens (1- start-token-index)) 'state)
+ syntax
+ pane))
+ ;; display the tokens
+ (with-drawing-options (pane :ink +red+)
+ (loop while (< start-token-index end-token-index)
+ do (let ((token (element* tokens start-token-index)))
+ (display-parse-tree token syntax pane))
+ (incf start-token-index))))))))
+ (let* ((cursor-line (number-of-lines-in-region top (point pane)))
+ (height (text-style-height (medium-text-style pane) pane))
+ (cursor-y (+ (* cursor-line (+ height (stream-vertical-spacing pane)))))
+ (cursor-column (column-number (point pane)))
+ (cursor-x (* cursor-column (text-style-width (medium-text-style pane) pane))))
+ (updating-output (pane :unique-id -1)
+ (draw-rectangle* pane
+ (1- cursor-x) (- cursor-y (* 0.2 height))
+ (+ cursor-x 2) (+ cursor-y (* 0.8 height))
+ :ink (if current-p +red+ +blue+))))))
Index: climacs/syntax.lisp
diff -u climacs/syntax.lisp:1.35 climacs/syntax.lisp:1.36
--- climacs/syntax.lisp:1.35 Thu Mar 10 07:37:40 2005
+++ climacs/syntax.lisp Fri Mar 11 08:03:31 2005
@@ -139,14 +139,15 @@
(target :initarg :target :reader target)
(initial-state :reader initial-state)))
-(defclass rule-item () ())
+(defclass rule-item ()
+ ((parse-trees :initform '() :initarg :parse-trees :reader parse-trees)))
(defclass incomplete-item (rule-item)
((orig-state :initarg :orig-state :reader orig-state)
(predicted-from :initarg :predicted-from :reader predicted-from)
(rule :initarg :rule :reader rule)
(dot-position :initarg :dot-position :reader dot-position)
- (parse-trees :initarg :parse-trees :reader parse-trees)
(suffix :initarg :suffix :reader suffix)))
(defmethod print-object ((item incomplete-item) stream)
@@ -180,7 +181,8 @@
:suffix remaining))
(make-instance 'complete-item
- :parse-tree remaining)))))
+ :parse-tree remaining
+ :parse-trees (cons parse-tree (parse-trees prev-item)))))))
(defgeneric item-equal (item1 item2))
@@ -257,7 +259,6 @@
:predicted-from item
:rule rule
:dot-position 0
- :parse-trees '()
:suffix (right-hand-side rule))
(make-instance 'complete-item
:parse-tree (right-hand-side rule)))
@@ -284,7 +285,6 @@
:predicted-from nil
:rule rule
:dot-position 0
- :parse-trees '()
:suffix (right-hand-side rule))
(make-instance 'complete-item
:parse-tree (right-hand-side rule)))