[climacs-cvs] CVS update: climacs/gui.lisp

Update of /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv22317 Modified Files: gui.lisp Log Message: factored out kr generic functions in gui.lisp for define-commands Date: Wed Dec 29 09:02:45 2004 Author: ejohnson Index: climacs/gui.lisp diff -u climacs/gui.lisp:1.30 climacs/gui.lisp:1.31 --- climacs/gui.lisp:1.30 Wed Dec 29 08:26:02 2004 +++ climacs/gui.lisp Wed Dec 29 09:02:45 2004 @@ -349,56 +349,36 @@ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Kill ring commands -;; The naming may sound odd here, but think of electronic wireing: -;; outputs to inputs and inputs to outputs. Copying into a buffer -;; first requires coping out of the kill ring. - -(defgeneric kr-copy-in (buffer kr offset1 offset2) - (:documentation "Non destructively copies in buffer region to the kill ring")) - -(defmethod kr-copy-in ((buffer standard-buffer) (kr kill-ring) offset1 offset2) - (kr-push kr (buffer-sequence buffer offset1 offset2))) - -(defgeneric kr-cut-in (buffer kr offset1 offset2) - (:documentation "Destructively cut a given buffer region into the kill-ring")) - -(defmethod kr-cut-in ((buffer standard-buffer) (kr kill-ring) offset1 offset2) - (kr-copy-in buffer kr offset1 offset2) - (climacs-buffer::delete-buffer-range buffer offset1 (- offset2 offset1))) - -(defgeneric kr-copy-out (mark kr) - (:documentation "Copies an element from a kill-ring to a buffer at the given offset")) - -(defmethod kr-copy-out ((mark standard-right-sticky-mark)(kr kill-ring)) - (insert-sequence mark (kr-copy kr))) - -(defgeneric kr-cut-out (mark kr) - (:documentation "Cuts an element from a kill-ring out to a buffer at a given offset")) - -(defmethod kr-cut-out ((mark standard-right-sticky-mark) (kr kill-ring)) - (insert-sequence mark (kr-pop kr))) - +;; Copies an element from a kill-ring to a buffer at the given offset (define-command com-copy-in () - (kr-copy-out (point (win *application-frame*)) *kill-ring*)) + (insert-sequence (point (win *application-frame*)) (kr-copy *kill-ring*))) +;; Cuts an element from a kill-ring out to a buffer at a given offset (define-command com-cut-in () - (kr-cut-out (point (win *application-frame*)) *kill-ring*)) + (insert-sequence (point (win *application-frame*)) (kr-pop *kill-ring*))) +;; Destructively cut a given buffer region into the kill-ring (define-command com-cut-out () (with-slots (buffer point mark)(win *application-frame*) - (let ((off1 (offset point)) - (off2 (offset mark))) - (if (< off1 off2) - (kr-cut-in buffer *kill-ring* off1 off2) - (kr-cut-in buffer *kill-ring* off2 off1))))) + (if (< (offset point) (offset mark)) + ((lambda (b o1 o2) + (kr-push *kill-ring* (buffer-sequence b o1 o2)) + (delete-buffer-range b o1 (- o2 o1))) + buffer (offset point) (offset mark)) + ((lambda (b o1 o2) + (kr-push *kill-ring* (buffer-sequence b o2 o1)) + (delete-buffer-range b o1 (- o2 o1))) + buffer (offset mark) (offset point))))) + +;; Non destructively copies in buffer region to the kill ring (define-command com-copy-out () (with-slots (buffer point mark)(win *application-frame*) (let ((off1 (offset point)) (off2 (offset mark))) (if (< off1 off2) - (kr-copy-in buffer *kill-ring* off1 off2) - (kr-copy-in buffer *kill-ring* off2 off1))))) + (kr-push *kill-ring* (buffer-sequence buffer off1 off2)) + (kr-push *kill-ring* (buffer-sequence buffer off2 off1)))))) ;; Needs adjustment to be like emacs M-y (define-command com-kr-rotate ()
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