Hello all,

I agree that organizing a public submission period would be a great idea. I'm not too fond of the idea of morphing the current logo, as the lambda and Y complement each other so well (lambda and fixed point combinator). One possible alternative is to write "common lisp" underneath the image - Just an idea.

Could someone please forward me the reported stylesheet issue? I may be able to make a fix.

Cheryl Yang

On Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 1:31 PM, Dave Cooper <david.cooper@genworks.com> wrote:

Hi Cherie,

Have you been following this discussion? 

What do you think of forking something a bit more CL-specific off of Guy Steele's double-lambda logo (for CLF as well as for use on common-lisp.net) (see below)? 

Please advise,


P.S. For those of you on clo-devel who don't know Cherie Yang, she is the designer-in-chief for common-lisp.net.  The reported stylesheet issue would also be of interest to Cheryl, if she hasn't seen that yet. 

On Thu, Sep 24, 2015 at 9:43 AM, Max Rottenkolber <max@mr.gy> wrote:
On Thu, 24 Sep 2015 08:56:44 -0400, Dave Cooper wrote:

>> > Second, I noticed that we (as in the CL community) don't seem to have
>> > a language logo. There are a handful of Lisp logos but none that
>> > exclusively say “Common Lisp”. I think common-lisp.net could use one
>> > especially. I would be interested in “crowd sourcing” a logo for the
>> > CL community by ways of a public poll. The question is, what
>> > should/could be in a CL logo?
>> >
> The rights to the logo currently being used at common-lisp.net (attached)
> were granted to the Common Lisp Foundation by Guy Steele. You may recognize
> this as coming from the cover of The Little Lisper.
> I realize this logo does not explicitly say "Common Lisp."
> How about morphing the upside-down lambda on the left into something like a
> "C" (and leaving the other lambda alone, since this is already a form of
> letter "L") ?

I had the same idea in fact, but I realized that my graphics skills are
not sufficient to produce an acceptable result. ;) I had the following
idea: Why not organize a public submission period and then hold a public
poll to find a canonical logo? I imagine it like this:

 1. Provide a trusted public submission portal (e.g. “mail your
    submission to logos@common-lisp.net”).
 2. Announce submission deadline on all public CL forums (mailing lists,
    nntp, reddit, planet lisp, ...)
 3. Hold a public poll on the submitted logos (again announce on all
 4. Declare the most popular the new community logo

I would volunteer to organize the process, and I think c-l.net is in a
position to provide the necesary “neutral ground”. I think there are some
benefits to this approach as we can outsource the graphical talent and
get a result that the community decided on. :)


"When you are face to face with a difficulty, you are up against a discovery." - Lord Kelvin