Many months ago something happened to our mailinglist config files (they are named config.pck by Mailman). I don't recall the details but I think maybe it was a bug in Mailman.
Anyway, the result was that the "real_name" attribute of some mailinglists was changed to some other mailinglist's name. For instance, Alastair just noticed that cl-cli-parser-cvs was named beep-cvs (everything still works; it's just the real_name attribute that's wrong).
I think I've fixed most of these but there's a script that will do it for any that's still missing:
/custom/bin/ cl-cli-parser-cvs \ /custom/sys/mailman/mailman/lists/cl-cli-parser-cvs/config.pck
So you pass it the correct real_name and then the config file to edit. (I just took care of this for cl-cli-parser-cvs.)
Thanks, Erik.