Hi! While CVS - through its concept of modules - somewhat dictated the use of the repository, Subversion doesn't do this. Standardising on repository layout for all of clo has some advantages though: if you decide to do that, it will be possible for example to provide a standard hook script to update the project website when a change is committed for it. There are several possibilities to standardise on (taking cl-irc as an example): First: / cl-irc/ trunk/ branches/ tags/ public_html/ Second: / cl-irc/ trunk/ public_html/ branches/ tags/ Third: / trunk/ cl-irc/ public_html/ branches/ tags/ The third option is the layout you get when converting the existing cl-irc repository using cvs2svn. In my opinion, it's the least favorable, since normally tags and branches are created with copies from trunk, meaning all modules get tagged at the same time... The second option wouldn't be my favorite either, since, dist scripts would then package the website (unless special action is taken not to). I don't think websites belong in a dist tarball. The first option would be my favorite, since I don't think of a website as something needing tags and branches. This setup allows for separate tags for all modules, which is quite sane in my opinion. That's all folks! Oh, well, if you decide which you want to standardise on (remember: 3 is what you get when converting from CVS), I don't mind writing the hook. bye, Erik.