"binghe" == Chun Tian <(binghe)" <binghe.lisp@gmail.com>> writes:
binghe> What's the relationship between CMUCL home page and binghe> common-lisp.net? I'm one assistant system administrator binghe> of cl.net now, please describe your need. Ok, it's a bit complicated and dates back maybe 10 years. CMUCL used to be hosted at www.cons.org. But a crash and prolonged downtime prompted a move to common-lisp.net. But the web presence is still at www.cons.org. The web pages are in cvs and when they are updated, an emacs script is run (by hand) to process the pages. These are stored in a public directory, and www.cons.org periodically (daily) goes out and grabs these files to populate the website. www.cmucl.org does to, but much more frequently. I also left a copy on common-lisp.net. Thus, there were three different sites that had the same content, and they all worked. I know because I tested them all when www.cmucl.org came online a few years ago. Now, after the upgrade to cl.net, this stopped working. I can't definitely say this was caused by the upgrade, but I know when I made the last snapshot and updated the pages, they worked. With the most recent snapshot, this stopped working. I don't know why, and I haven't had a chance to look at the emacs script to understand what it's doing. But the script hasn't changed. Maybe the physical path to the web pages has changed so that the script is doing the wrong thing? BTW, I did mention this on #tech.coop. Eric H mentioned that the web server has changed a little in the update which would explain why the cl.net copy of the pages no longer work, but this doesn't explain why www.cons.org no longer does. (Unless it also coincidentally changed at the same time without any one telling me.) Thanks for listening, Ray