Erik Enge <eenge@prium.net> writes:
I could do it if the owner said "I indend to keep this list exclusively to members" but I'm afraid people will change their minds and I'll be stuck spending five minutes a day changing whether a group is moderated or not. If this could be automated I would do it right away.
Any thoughts? Perhaps we could make a shell script that toggled moderation and have list-owners use it?
One thing is moderation, another is to have non-members be able to post. I think the latter should be allowed by default, because it is what most people expect anyway. If some list owner wants to change this, well, mailman has a nice web-based interface they can and should use. You shouldn't be spending time on such things. However, I see another small problem: Eric Marsden <emarsden@laas.fr> writes:
It seems that posting via NNTP to the cl-pdf development list doesn't work: I posted two messages on 2nd Jan that don't seem to be present in the web mailing list archives. They are present via NNTP however. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
I bet that's a bug...(?) Regards, Mario.