On Thu, Nov 13, 2003 at 09:03:36AM -0500, Anthony Ventimiglia wrote:
So I'd like to know if we can install it, so I can actually use it for the clhp home page?
Ok, wearing my policy making hat, there are several separate questions here: 1) Do we wish to offer individual services (in terms of what is provided) to projects? 2) If so, how is this arbitrated? Who gets what, and who decides? 3) How does this relate to services to the lisp community (like the pastebot), when they directly tie in with an existing project? [ etc... ] My answers: 1) To a degree, yes. 2) Case by case basis. - Sometimes providing a service X for a single project makes it trivially available to all the others as well. This is a Good Thing. - Sometimes a project may need service unimportant or impractical for others. Here we must balance the needs of the single project and the administrative overhead. If the overhead is small, and the service is important for the project, sure. - In other cases, not really. 3) Common-lisp.net may offer such services to the community. If they tie naturally in with an existing project, then "letting the project provide the service" makes perfect sense. That said, wearing my voting hat: I don't know. How important is it to you? Is this "vital", or "kind of neat"? How much overhead for Erik (on the long run)? If we do this, will it generate good infrastructure that can be utilized in the future, or will it be a wart on the system? Cheers, -- Nikodemus