Dear Mr. Steele, Thank you for securing the rights to your logo from "the Little Lisper" and granting them for use by the Common Lisp Foundation and on common-lisp.net. You can see the current state of things on http://common-lisp.net. We hope you find our current use of the logo to be appropriate. There has been some discussion of "morphing" this logo into something a bit more CL-specific (e.g. morphing the upside-down lambda on the left into something resembling a "C"), for use by the CL community, and to represent the CL language in general. Would you have any issues with us going ahead and working on a derivative? Of course I think you should be entitled to have veto power over any proposed alternatives we come up with. Best Regards, Dave Cooper Secretary, Common Lisp Foundation P.S. if you would like to follow the discussion in more detail, please feel free to join the mailing list clo-devel@common-lisp.net (if you're not already on it ;): https://mailman.common-lisp.net/listinfo/clo-devel On Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 1:31 PM, Dave Cooper <david.cooper@genworks.com> wrote:
Hi Cherie,
Have you been following this discussion?
What do you think of forking something a bit more CL-specific off of Guy Steele's double-lambda logo (for CLF as well as for use on common-lisp.net) (see below)?
Please advise,
P.S. For those of you on clo-devel who don't know Cherie Yang, she is the designer-in-chief for common-lisp.net. The reported stylesheet issue would also be of interest to Cheryl, if she hasn't seen that yet.
On Thu, Sep 24, 2015 at 9:43 AM, Max Rottenkolber <max@mr.gy> wrote:
On Thu, 24 Sep 2015 08:56:44 -0400, Dave Cooper wrote:
Second, I noticed that we (as in the CL community) don't seem to have a language logo. There are a handful of Lisp logos but none that exclusively say “Common Lisp”. I think common-lisp.net could use one especially. I would be interested in “crowd sourcing” a logo for the CL community by ways of a public poll. The question is, what should/could be in a CL logo?
The rights to the logo currently being used at common-lisp.net (attached) were granted to the Common Lisp Foundation by Guy Steele. You may recognize this as coming from the cover of The Little Lisper.
I realize this logo does not explicitly say "Common Lisp."
How about morphing the upside-down lambda on the left into something like a "C" (and leaving the other lambda alone, since this is already a form of letter "L") ?
I had the same idea in fact, but I realized that my graphics skills are not sufficient to produce an acceptable result. ;) I had the following idea: Why not organize a public submission period and then hold a public poll to find a canonical logo? I imagine it like this:
1. Provide a trusted public submission portal (e.g. “mail your submission to logos@common-lisp.net”). 2. Announce submission deadline on all public CL forums (mailing lists, nntp, reddit, planet lisp, ...) 3. Hold a public poll on the submitted logos (again announce on all forums) 4. Declare the most popular the new community logo
I would volunteer to organize the process, and I think c-l.net is in a position to provide the necesary “neutral ground”. I think there are some benefits to this approach as we can outsource the graphical talent and get a result that the community decided on. :)
-- My Best,
Dave Cooper genworks.com, gendl.org +1 248-330-2979
-- My Best, Dave Cooper genworks.com, gendl.org +1 248-330-2979