Thanks for the welcome. To clarify, is a valuable
resource already and it provides repo hosting, so they aren't
necessarily incompatible, but I worry that maintaining and improving
the services that are available elsewhere comes at an opportunity cost
that seems all the greater due to the small size of the CL community.
Of course, there's a lot of history and context I'm missing, that's
just my take as a relative outsider.
I joined this list a week or so ago to ask how to clone a hosted repo.
I could see the gitweb but there was no clone url provided. I was
about to write to the list when, on reading another thread I saw a
clone url for a different project and worked out the required
transform from project to git url.
I'd be happy to look into how CL resources are and could be indexed.
Though time is always limited, happily CL is now my day job so I hope
to become a more effective user of the language this year.
BTW my email to you and the list bounced from the list. The uribl
service said that one of the urls in the email was rejected, but I've
entered all of them into the uribl site and they are either unknown or
whitelisted. I hope this message gets through.