Hi. For all projects I have started on common-lisp.net, I have always set up an auto-website-updater to sync the repository with the website in <project>/public_html. Having just set up the py-configparser project, I decided to take the default post-commit as a basis and extend it. So, I'd like to request the default post-commit to be changed to what is currently in /project/py-configparser/svn/hooks/post-commit. What's changed? The lines starting with PROJECT=... The script assumes the standard c-l.net setup where repositories reside in the svn/ directory within the project root, next to the public_html/ web-root. All it does is find out if the webroot is versioned (it's not if svnversion prints "exported") and when it is, it runs "svn update" on it. This means that projects will by default have unversioned webroots, but as soon as they make them versioned (checked out from the project repository), it'll be updated automatically. Thanks for your time and attention! bye, Erik.