Hi Raymond,

On Thu, Jul 13, 2023 at 3:36 PM Raymond Toy <toy.raymond@gmail.com> wrote:

On 7/13/23 04:23, Erik Huelsmann wrote:
> cmucl-ticket

I guess this and other -ticket lists were created for Trac.  I guess
gitlab doesn't automatically send emails from the issue tracker to any
mailing list?  I've forgotten how this works, but I'd like to keep this
and have gitlab send issues to this mailing list.

The commit messages are being sent to an e-mail address (which can be a mailing list) due to project configuration. Maybe that's an option for issue updates too. Not sure.
I'm also surprised that cmucl-devel and cmucl-help aren't here.

Neither of these exist on common-lisp.net, or at least, not if I have to go by https://mailman.common-lisp.net/listinfo. There *is* an archive for cmucl-help@common-lisp.net, but no trace of cmucl-devel@common-lisp.net (there is cmucl-imp@common-lisp.net, though).
lists (and cmucl-announce) are still on cons.org, but we really wanted
to move them to c-l.net, including the mailing list archives.

We'll be happy to host them!
We haven't been able to get a hold of the cons.org owner to get the
necessary info. :-(

Hmm. that's too bad. Is that something you need a hand with? We could ask the CLF to contact that person (don't know who it is, so no idea what I'm up against...)
> f2cl-ticket
> oct-cvs
> oct-ticket
I'd like to keep the above.  I haven't worked too much on f2cl or oct in
a while, but they're not dead; they just work well enough for me now.

Mind if I migrate these to mailman3 now then? Once migrated, I won't be looking at them anymore and they're very low volume anyway, so migrating now won't interfere with on-going fierce discussions :-)
guess the burden is on me to have these projects send issue and git
emails to the right mailing list.

Yep. But it should be straight forward, at least for the commit mails. It's even documented in the site FAQ: https://common-lisp.net/faq/emailonpush





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