On Oct 9, 2020, at 21:30, Erik Huelsmann <ehuels@gmail.com> wrote:
The VM running common-lisp.net needs an O/S upgrade: the host is running Debian Stretch which has gone EOL in July (but is receiving LTS updates for specific components). Due to package compatibility issues, the upgrade needs to go directly to Debian Bullseye (skipping Debian Buster).
We have a dependency problem with this upgrade: Debian Buster - which we'll skip - was the last to support Python 2.7. We depend on Python 2.7 for the following services: Trac, Mailman2.1, ViewVC and greylistd.
After discussion on #common-lisp.net, the preliminary solution to this conundrum is to use the local customized python27 installation that I created under /srv/trac to maintain the Trac services. More details to follow. -- "A screaming comes across the sky. It has happened before but there is nothing to compare to it now."