* "Tao" <tjia@iipc.zju.edu.cn>:
[...] In our lab the students seldom use such language,and I just found some free environments for Linux via net search,but we all use MS windows here.....
CLISP is free and also runs on Windows. It's not compiled, though, but it might still be fast enough for you. Check it out. You can find it at: http://clisp.sourceforge.net/ There is a source distribution as well as binaries for Windows, among others. Regarding development environment: I would use ilisp with Emacs, which works fine under Windows. Get Emacs for Windows and get ilisp from http://ilisp.sourceforge.net/. Now go to the Common Lisp-cookbook site for instructions on how to set it up. http://cl-cookbook.sourceforge.net/windows.html If you're not happy with Emacs, for some reason, you could use one of the commercial Lisps (there are trial versions of Allegro CL, Lispworks and Corman CL), which have development environments which you may find easier to get started with. Note that there are some limitations, though, so they might not be suitable for you. http://www.franz.com/ http://www.lispworks.com/ http://www.cormanlisp.com/ -- Johannes Groedem <OpenPGP: 5055654C>