Hello. Some (long) time ago, an announcement has been posted on the CL-Emb mailing lisp that the project needs a new maintainer. A bit later I have posted that I am claiming to be the maintainer, and as noone else declared themselves a maintainer, QuickLisp currently links to https://github.com/38a938c2/cl-emb (controlled by me) as the project source. I have cloned the project to https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/mraskin/cl-emb just in case. Since the maintainership change, I have developed a couple of features, accepted a few patches into CL-Emb and fixed a few bugs. I think that the current release list on the CL-Emb project pages is obsolete, and I would like to get access to cl-emb project to add a not about current situation there, too. Is this possible/acceptable? Thanks, goodbye Michael Raskin