1) i've got some files in /project/bese/ftp and /project/bese/public_html which don't seem to get copied into the public www and ftp directories. [monday i ran a lot of ssh connections (abusing arch can do this) and eventually couldn't connect (i got out of memory errors so i assume i ran into some quota), but the problem fixed itself today. i don't know if these two things are related.] 2) i'd also like to put a copy of /project/bese/bese-devel@common-lisp.net under the www directory, is this doable? it could just be a symlink or a every-so-often updated copy, considering that it's a pretty big directory. 3) i don't want to offend anyone's tastes but i find the common-lisp.net site a little plain. i tried to come up with something a bit more colorful: http://www.bese.it/~segv/common-lisp.net/index2.html http://www.bese.it/~segv/common-lisp.net/index3.html i don't like those two designs either, but hey, i gave it my best. if you like 'em, use 'em; if you hate 'em, ignore 'em; if this is really arrogant and presumptuos of me ... sorry. 4) i've been following the project naming discussion on irc and admin@common-lisp.net, if i may: how many different rfc2833 implementations for common lisp are there? I think that as long as the names are discriptive (says he who calls his projects fiveam and arnesi) whatever people want should be fine. the existence of a project called rfc???? will at least push people to add features/improvements to that as opposed to using re-implementing it. the idea of having projects somehow map to pages on cliki is pretty cool as well. thanks, -- -Marco Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in. -Leonard Cohen