for example I see this at Hetzner:
AMD Ryzen™ 5 3600 CPU6 cores / 12 threads @ 3.6 GHz Generation: Matisse (Zen 2) RAM 64 GB DDR4 RAM Drives. 2 x 512 GB NVMe SSD
Would that be sufficient for our gitlab at least?
It should be enough CPU and RAM; if we want to run local RAID1 (which I'd like to have!), storage could become a bit low.
root@common-lisp:~# lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTS sda 8:0 0 2G 0 disk └─sda1 8:1 0 243M 0 part /boot sdb 8:16 0 200G 0 disk /srv /home /mnt/btrfs /usr / sdc 8:32 0 250G 0 disk /var vda 254:0 0 32G 0 disk [SWAP]
Yeah, currently we have ~450GB in filesystems, _used_ is only 111GB + 149GB = 260GB, so there's a bit of reserve left.
Or for running a hypervisor with one VM for gitlab and maybe others for other services?
I'd suggest to use Docker instead - according to our measurements, a VM layer costs 15-25% of performance, and having everything available in one filesystem makes backups much easier.
We might need VMs for cross-builds anyway, though, if we want to support that at some time. (Or at least qemu-static-<arch> - might be easier to handle)
Can we define some common documentation area (perhaps using or a similar independent service) where we can create a list of tasks, edit/complete/document/check there in parallel, and start the migration of services to the new VM in the background
That sounds like a good idea. I suppose our Dropbox would not be sufficient, as it doesn't gracefully handle simultaneous fine-grained updates to a document...?
I'm imagining that the people might meet every now and then (perhaps half an hour 2x to 7x a week?), and having a document that can *simultaneusly* be modified by several people with changes being visible at once is a big benefit.
Another open point for me is general architecture.
I guess we want to go with a single server (no HA pair), which should be fine for our use case.
- But what about backups? Do we keep the old place, or do we restart them too?
- Do we want/need external monitoring? If we do, run it on the backup machine or keep that one as just a storage box?