Hi everyone, First off, I noticed a slight usability problem with the CSS stylesheet used by common-lisp.net: When inside a smallish browser window, the lotus background image is beneath the text and makes it hard to read. Here is a before/after to illustrate what I am on about: http://imgur DOT com/a/bac8s (including other minor changes) If you guys need help with the stylesheet I would love to lend a hand! Second, I noticed that we (as in the CL community) don't seem to have a language logo. There are a handful of Lisp logos but none that exclusively say “Common Lisp”. I think common-lisp.net could use one especially. I would be interested in “crowd sourcing” a logo for the CL community by ways of a public poll. The question is, what should/could be in a CL logo? * the letters “CL” since that abbreviation is quite widespread, I guess * do people want a mascot? there was that lisp alien... * the “λ” and jin+yang symbols seems popular for lisp related things Any ideas on other things suited to illustrate a CL logo? Regard, max