Thanks for the feedback. On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 8:15 AM, Marco Antoniotti <marcoxa@cs.nyu.edu> wrote:
On Mar 30, 2011, at 01:18 , Raymond Toy wrote:
> "Erik" == Erik Huelsmann <ehuels@gmail.com> writes:
Erik> * Repository browsing Erik> - Subversion Erik> - Git Erik> - Darcs Erik> - CVS (do we still want to support CVS ??)
I think you might want to make CVS available for those projects that are still using it but haven't (yet?) moved to something else. Cmucl will move off of cvs, but I'm not sure of the timing. It would be nice to do it after the migration when everything is working, but it might be good to make our big changes before the migration too.
I second that. I have little time to spare in converting everything to git (or darcs, or whatever). Just keep CVS and let people live with it.
Let me explain that I wasn't trying to deny anybody his version control tool or pressure into migration. The main reason I was asking the question is because of the reputation of cvsd to have lots of security issues involved with running the daemon. The question would have been better phrased: do we need the cvsd pserver daemon (if only for anonymous access). Given your answers, I'll take that as a "yes". Thanks again for your responses. Bye, Erik.