Hi Drew,

You're of course most welcome to log in! Your authorized_keys file was somehow stored in the wrong place. I've moved it to the right location in the filesystem. There are two public keys in it. I hope you have the private key to at least one of them. If not, please mail admin@ to get your public keys replaced.



On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 7:46 PM, Drew C <me@drewc.ca> wrote:

So I have not tried to log in to the new server until now. 

  ssh dcrampsie@common-lisp.net
  Permission denied (publickey).


  ssh drewc@common-lisp.net  
  Permission denied (publickey).

I used to be able to do just that, or use a password if/when my pkey did not work. Things have changed, but I would like to login :)

-- drewc



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