Marco> Hi Ray I just checked writing the Marco> /project/myproject/public_html. It works for old projects. Ah, didn't know that. I thought all projects got migrated. Marco> I will have a look at the alternative setup for the "new", Marco> Gitlab-started projects as you suggested. I kinda wanted to Marco> avoid peppering the source tree with exogenous stuff like the Marco> .yml one. However, from what I understand from the cl-couch, Marco> cmucl-site and maxima-site examples, it should be sufficient Marco> for me to add pages: Marco> stage: deploy Marco> script: mv docs/html public Marco> artifacts: Marco> paths: Marco> - public Marco> tags: Marco> - site-gen Marco> only: Marco> - master Marco> to, say, the with-context top directory? Or could I add it Marco> to the docs subdirectory only (changing the script entry)? Something like that. I had to do quite a few experiments to get everything working. Not hard but it does take a bit of time. Putting in random prints was helpful too. I find it super convenient to have CI handle the dirty work of even just copying the files so I don't have to remember when I updated the site. -- Ray