Hi, As per my prior mail, I'm sending instructions as to how to start using GitLab to deploy your project pages (i.e. how to deploy what you would normally copy to /project/*/public_html using GitLab automation). First, the delpoyment through GitLab uses GitLab Pages which means that everything you can find about GitLab Pages based deployment of webpages (e.g. in the documentation: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/pages/#how-it-works) applies here as well -- except for the URL on which your site will be published. Another important note is that if the directory /project/<your-project>/public_html exists, your pages will be served from that. If it doesn't, your project pages will be served from GitLab Pages, if that doesn't exist, your project pages are redirected to GitLab itself. This means that you can experiment with GitLab pages based deployment by moving your public_html directory out of the way. If your tests fail, simply move it back into place and your existing pages will be restored. *What do you need to do to use GitLab deployment?* 1. Create a GitLab repository called <project>-site in the group <project> 2. Add the content to be deployed to the repository (either static or to be built) 3. Add a '.gitlab-ci.yml' file to the repository 4. Rename the /project/<project>/public_html directory For the simplest of deployments (taking what's in the repository "as-is") see the cl-couch pages deployment repository and .gitlab-ci.yml at https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/cl-couch/cl-couch-site/. For an intermediary level deployment processing Markdown to HTML and wrapping the result in a template, see the common-lisp.net homepage generator (which we'd like to abstract into a generic tool; we can use a hand there!) at https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/clo/cl-site/. For the most complex we currently have - using Docker - see the Quickref build at https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/quickref/quickref/tree/continuous-integration ; note that this is currently on its "continuous-integration" branch. I hope it'll be adopted soon to be on the master branch. I'll add similar instructions to the c-l.net FAQ. Please feel free to follow-up with any questions you might have when you start playing around with this new feature. Regards, Erik.